thoughts after 3 days of snow when living on an island outside a city that gets very little weather weirdness:
- it's nicer to stay home for days at a time because the roads are slick and you're a terrible driver anyhow than because you are grief stricken and looking around for your dog or terribly ill or some such thing. the looking inward and the forced togetherness and the creative cooking and the far slowed pace feels right and like we needed it.
- i miss neighborhoods. and the friends in them. and walking to markets and pubs.
- it is terribly terribly beautiful out here though.
- things really are rarely what they seem. we have these glimpses into others' lives through all manner of filters and think we've figured each other out, but cannot. know it all. not just by reading words on a screen and seeing pictures made pretty.
this little image was made after strong words and rolled eyes and arguing about hot showers (because that is so RIDICULOUS after hours in the snow with slush in your galoshes) and irate responses and a whole big mess of escalating emotion; thus the walking many feet in front of me. and the swear words thankfully muffled by my scarf. and the feelings of failing. and the general pissedoffedness. but i couldn't resist taking the picture. and it might suggest peace and beauty and "a lovely life" but it is really just a scrap of one being sewn together with thick clumsy fingers and no thimble, and doubt and hope and hard core love. we are all just doing our best. that might be the only thing we can safely presume.


a chorus
